Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit
Tax Credit At Unique Play Place
With your donation to Unique Play Place, you can take advantage of the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCCC). The CCCC was designed to promote quality child care and increase availability across the state of Colorado.
Unique Play Place will use the CCCC gift to:
The State of Colorado offers a 50% income tax credit for donations to child care centers. Unique Play Place donors are eligible to receive the maximum 50% tax credit.
What does that mean? This means your individual or corporate contribution to Unique Play Place has a direct impact on the lives of families and early childhood professionals in our community AND it has the additional benefit of reducing your Colorado tax liability.
The donor must designate in writing, either on the check, or by letter that the gift is for the CCCC.
In-kind gifts do not qualify for the CCCC.
Donors may not receive any goods or services in return for the contribution.
The credit allowed shall not exceed $100,000 per year.
Qualified charitable distributions from an IRA do qualify for the CCCC.
Unique Play Place will provide a signed letter that states the amount of the cash gift and the eligible purpose for which the gift was made, along with the DR1317 tax form. Donors must submit the tax form to the IRS to be eligible for the credit. Note- Situations vary; please consult your tax advisor regarding your tax filings.
For all gifts made online, please email to designate your donation for the credit.